January 2021 bulletin
- Employment tribunal procedure
- Indirect discrimination
- Dismissals for Redundancy
- Whistleblowing
- Unfair dismissal and redundancy
- National minimum wage
- And finally…
November 2020 bulletin
- Data Protection
- Indirect discrimination
- Vicarious liability
- Religion and belief
- Unfair dismissal
- Whistleblowing
- And finally…
October 2020 bulletin
- Unfair dismissal
- Disability
- Interim relief
- Data protection
- Pleadings
- Privacy at work
- And finally…
September 2020 bulletin
- Unfair dismissal
- Disability
- Interim relief
- Data protection
- Pleadings
- Privacy at work
- And finally…
August 2020 bulletin
- Trust and Confidence
- Misconduct dismissals
- Constructive dismissal
- Wrongful dismissal
- Redundancy
- Equal pay
- And finally…
July 2020 bulletin
- Redundancy
- Wrongful dismissal
- Unfair dismissal – gross misconduct
- Right to Work
- Transfer of Undertakings – changing contracts
- Marriage Discrimination
- And finally…
June 2020 bulletin
- Return to Work
- Working from home
- Returning furloughed staff part-time
- Making the workplace Covid-secure
- Test and Trace
- Employees who refuse to return to work
- Health and safety claims
- Equality Issues
May 2020 bulletin
- Should you ask for volunteers?
- The pool for selection
- Selection criteria
- Consultation
- Applying the criteria
- Pregnancy and family leave
- Alternative work
April 2020 bulletin
- What is the Government’s ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme’ and when does it come into effect?
- If an employee does not have the virus but is living with someone who does, should they be signed off sick?
- What evidence can I ask for that an employee is genuinely ill or required to self-isolate?
- Can an employee refuse to come to work for fear of contracting the virus?
- If I am required to close my premises, am I still obliged to pay employees?
- What does furlough mean and how is it different from being laid off?
- Which employees are covered by the scheme?
- Does the scheme apply to zero-hours contracts?
- Can we choose which employees to place on furlough and which to ask to come into work?
- What wages will it cover? How will pay be calculated?
- Does it only apply if we don’t pay the wages – or will be able to recover wages that we have already paid?
- Can I bring back employees who have already been made redundant?
- Do I have to place all of my employees on furlough, or can I be selective?
- Can we change which employees are furloughed at any one time – can an employee be furloughed, brought back to work and then furloughed again?
- The furlough scheme does not pay all of an employee’s salary – do I have to top up their pay to the full amount?
- Can I instruct employees to take annual leave if I cannot offer them work?
- Can I instruct employees to take annual leave while they are on furlough?
- What about if they are off sick or self-isolating?
- How do I stop too many employees taking what is left of their annual leave later in the year?
- Can employees be furloughed during their notice period?
March 2020 bulletin
- Coronavirus
- Written Particulars of Employment
- Indirect discrimination
- Unfair dismissal – knowledge of employer
- Whistleblowing
- Age discrimination – compulsory retirement
- IR35