September 2015 bulletin
- Unison’s challenge
- Equal treatment of agency workers
- Fair dismissal for Facebook comments
- Acas guides
- Carrying over holiday
- Indirect discrimination where no protected characteristic?
- Defects rectified on appeal?
August 2015 bulletin
- Changing employees’ terms and conditions
- The fundamental principle
- Step 1: Is the change beneficial to the employee?
- Step 2: Check whether you need to change the contract
- Step 3: Does the employment contract allow the change?
- Step 4: Impose the change
- Option 1 – get the employee’s agreement
- Option 2 – implement the change without agreement
- Option 3 – Dismiss and then re-employ the employee
July 2015 bulletin
- Keeping shtum about alleged misconduct
- Employment Tribunal Fees review
- Did a customer’s request stop employee transferring?
- Working while travelling
- Jilbab as trip hazard
- Triggering the duty to consult
- McElroy v Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
June 2015 bulletin
- Zero tolerance
- Pay the wage or a (much bigger) penalty
- How late is too late?
- Disciplinary hearings and grievances
- Bakery discriminated against gay customer
- Claimant loses anonymity
May 2015 bulletin
- Collective redundancy
- Warnings issued in bad faith
- Liability for psychiatric injury
- Whistleblowing – when is it ‘in the public interest’?
- Box-ticking saves claim
- Political beliefs at work
April 2015 bulletin
- Diet-controlled diabetes wasn’t a disability
- Tribunal provides key to Lock
- Deductions and the minimum wage
- Redundancy near retirement
- Well, what a fracas
March 2015 bulletin
- Shared Parental Leave
- Sending obscene email was repudiatory breach
- Reasonable investigation
- Victimisation compensation reduced
- Compensation on the rise
- Another look at employee status
February 2015 bulletin
- Out of time at tribunal but claim goes on
- Fit for work?
- ‘Virtual’ employee retains UK rights
- Acas code revised
- Appeal decision effective when made
- Place of work redundancy
January 2015 bulletin
- Obesity can be a disability
- Holiday pay claims limited
- Redundancy and maternity leave
- Time limit in detriment cases
- Restrictive covenants under consideration
- Offensive tweets and unfair dismissal
December 2014 bulletin
- Dealing with flexible working requests